Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Assemblage Dolls

 These are a new item in my etsy shop.

They are born of extra supplies that just won't work for other dolls:  not enough, one time use, to hard to carve by hand or something I found and like as unique.  A particularly interesting fabric (I am fond of textiles), charm, thread, yarn or artifact.

They are a recent addition and I use them as characters from folklore and miniature cradleboards fashioned after museum and auction records.  They give me a break from carving and I get to use my imagination in a different way.


Among the first Assemblage dolls, I incorporated some paper air dry clay to create the head of a crow which is significant in the Indigenous culture.  His eyes were pistachio shells.  They were sold out within a month.  I would like to do more animal heads.

The cradleboards average 8" tall and have a hook on the back so they hang on the wall.  The dolls are 8" and 14" tall, on average.  The sky is the limit when it comes to construction; whatever works for the character or historical accuracy.

* An issue that I feel needs to be improved are the arms when applied.  Right now my braided pipe cleaners are not sturdy enough to support most of the fabrics used; they want to droop.

These could evolve into something/anything.  I am still experimenting and enjoying the break from the carving routine.

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