Saturday, December 28, 2024

Popular My People doll Characters

 My People have been collected on an international level.  They reside is many countries around the world.

After creating over 700 dolls from historical records, folklore and information taken from museums and auction houses, several emerged as favorites:





  She is the one who provides for us and brings forth

  wisdom from all things natural.  Care for  her before 

  she takes the path of the past; tread softly on the

  earth - she is your mother.


She fell from the land of the Sky People to plant a 

branch on the back of Great Sea

Turtle and create the North American continent. 


This doll represents the famous Cherokee Trail of Tears.

It is said, for every tear that fell to earth, a wildflower

blooms between the Carolina's and Oklahoma.  This character

is always created with a tear running down her face.

There are other characters that follow close behind in popularity: White Buffalo Calf Woman, Storyteller, Tehan, Dream Spirit, Warrior Woman, Corn Maiden and Butterfly Woman.  

New characters are researched and emerging every year: Code Talker and Star Lily along with those recording  historical dress and regalia from pow wow.

Every one is hand carved to impart their spirit from me as I create and there are no two alike,  They all come with a certificate that gives the story of the first No Face doll along with the story of the doll that the certificate represents along with her name and number in the chronological order the doll is created.

Friday, December 20, 2024

About My People faceless dolls

 My People Indian dolls . . .
Are an original creation born of a merging of the Hopi Kachina with the No Face corn husk dolls of the Iroquois.
* * Inventory in my etsy shop will be increasing gradually.
> Some characters are taken from folklore and others represent the history of tribal dress.
> Each doll is a unique one of a kind, signed & numbered in the order each is created.
> This is a nation of hand carved Indian dolls, consisting of seven tribes along with a Grandmother pillow doll. 

> The tribes are defined by size, amount of detail, ornamentation and price.
> They are each carved by hand, sanded, a design sketched, burned, sealed, painted, adorned and accessories added - all made by the artist.
> Carving by hand imparts a spirit to the doll and insures that you get an absolute one of a kind.  I have no partners or help with My People; they are done, start to finish, by me WITHOUT any power tools.

> Finally, they are varnished to seal and protect.
> Each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity that has the story of the first No Face doll of the Iroquois (Corn Maiden) and the story of the doll you purchase.
> Hours are spent in research of various North American tribal colors and designs along with history and folklore.  
> They have been purchased at Indian Markets and art shows across the country by Indian and non Indian alike.  
> My People have been exhibited in galleries, museums and written up in newspapers, Doll News and Art Doll Magazine.  
> They have garnered my membership, by her peers, into ODACA (Original doll Artist Council of America).
> They are part of the permanent collection at Standing Bear Indian Museum in Ponca City, OK.  
> My People are in private collections around the world, creating a bridge of understanding between cultures.

>  All are packed, insured and shipped with great care.
> I have a very easy lay away plan for any doll over $250 - message me for details.
> Special orders are accepted with restrictions - message me for details.  
* Presently, I am working on an order of 165 dolls.  Special orders are "fit in" as time allows.
> Since I began in 2007, I have carved over 700 dolls with more to come.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why No Face

 NO FACE: What is in your heart is more important than how you look.
Artist is member of UFDC (United Federation of Doll Clubs) and ODACA (Original Doll Artists Council of America).

 "My People" wooden, no face dolls are highly researched for tribal colors, designs and historical accuracy. They are original, created with a small paring knife. My People have found their way into museums and private collections world wide, bridging a gap between cultures.


My People nation


As a child, much time was spent with my Iroquois grandmother who told of the corn husk dolls with no faces. "My People" dolls came out of the Imagination Room of my mind in 2007 born of a desire to create historical record of a culture without written history. The My People nation expanded into 7 tribes, is being collected internationally by collectors and those interested in Native culture/history.

* I have no tribal status - I am not "carded" Indian nor do I make that claim. All records were discarded when grandmother began school and was instructed not to tell anyone of her Indian culture. I doubt I have enough heritage to even acquire a place on the roles.

No Face: What is in your heart is more important than how you look.

My People bring North American native peoples together as one nation with many hours of research for each doll. They are carved from wood with small knives - tradition says this is what gives each one their individual spirit.

NOTE: My no-face dolls are a one man effort; I have no helpers or assistants. I do the carving and painting. Each item listed is a one of a kind created from beginning to end by me. LOVE my work!

 Come back soon to see more about the My People nation and how each doll emerges from the wood using only a paring knife. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Returning Soon

 Coming Soon:

 I'll be reviving my blog about these one of a kind hand carved Indian dolls. 

All about the 7 tribe nation of My People dolls:


History; Native American and My People

News, show dates, where to purchase

Web site


Where to purchase

Special orders

on etsy

on Pinterest